"You know what it's like for a friend to pull a few CDs off the shelf and say "Hey, check this out?" Well, the technology [at iPod Jukebox] allowed 13 or so people to do the same favor for a crowd of strangers. Pretty cool."
-- Rob Pegoraro, The Washington Post
Next iPod Jukebox Event: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at Cafe Saint-Ex, Washington D.C.
JEFFREY BROWN: Given such concerns, it's fascinating to see some new ways MP3 players are being used in many parts of society. At this Washington, D.C., nightclub, Cafe Saint-Ex, iPod users gather once a month to share favorite songs at an iPod jukebox night, individual choices blasting through the club, and perhaps creating a new musical community.
WASHINGTON, DC, IPOD USER: It's sort of revolutionizing the way people listen to music, because you can sort of surround yourself with your music at all times.
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