"You know what it's like for a friend to pull a few CDs off the shelf and say "Hey, check this out?" Well, the technology [at iPod Jukebox] allowed 13 or so people to do the same favor for a crowd of strangers. Pretty cool."
-- Rob Pegoraro, The Washington Post
Next iPod Jukebox Event: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at Cafe Saint-Ex, Washington D.C.
You have the best musical taste in the world. Everyone should know that, and if they don't, here's your chance to prove it! Zipcar and the Cricklewood Massive are hosting a special iPod Jukebox event on July 28 at Café Saint-Ex (1847 14th Street, near 14th and U).
Here's how it works: Come to the DJ booth and sign up for a timeslot. (first-come, first-served). When it's your turn, plug your iPod into the bar's sound system and play whatever you want for ten minutes. For more information on iPod Jukebox, or to see previous play lists, visit www.ipodjukebox .com.
As a special treat, car and transportation themed songs will be the order of the night. Anyone playing songs with car or transportation themes will be entered to win driving credit, as well as other prizes. Don't forget, Zipcar members get 20% off their bills at Café Saint-Ex from 11am-5pm daily just by flashing your Zipcard.
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